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In fact, 27.3% take issue with it. Wearing shorts at work is the second place pet peeve of Canadian workers at 16.1%. Surprisingly, only 6.2% object to the concept of casual Friday. 3) Edmonton men emerge as first in fashion (according to women) While Nationally, Montreal is rated Canada's top city for best dressed men (31.8%), the scale flips dramatically when isolating the responses of women. Surprisingly, a whopping 84.3% of female respondents crown Edmonton as Canada's best dressed city for men. Surprise: Canadian fashion isn't all about Toronto and Vancouver! In English Canada, isolated male responses rank Montreal men (52.6%), Ottawa men (52.5%) and Halifax men (52.1%) at nearly the same level of fashionability. Women don't see a statistically significant sartorial difference between Toronto men (50.7%) and Vancouver men (52.7%). 7.1% of men report that 'they never buy the right things' vs. 4.8% of women. 4) Canadians still subscribe to traditional fashion rules 15.7% of Canadians object to 'mixing really bold patterns' and 14.2% would like to 'veto' the Canadian tuxedo (denim on denim).
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